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Simple. This blog is officially dead. | Sunday, September 18, 2011

Because I have a new one here: http://simplyjottingdown.wordpress.com/

Memory jotted at 2:35 PM

God, what happened to me? | Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ok so a few weeks ago the news of the EXCO was out. I was so prepared not to get any role. Not because I don't want to but...my common tests...arent up to standard and therefore tada. Bye bye Presidentship. Byebye Logicstics EXCO. I was like its alright. Its the best for me. God did what's best for me. And while that my other friend was like happy that God gave her the job as a candidate as a President. Well congratulations ^^

And then there's the IKEA project. Oh gosh just chasing all around...I feel like an idiot running on hot tracks being chased by some kinda cats. Heck with it.

Then there's homelife. Just the other day I was having a huge blow with my mum all because of tidbits. Crap. And I put on my earphones(or whatever the heck it is called) on at night mostly. I just...don't wanna hear my family...just like shutting myself.

Still, life goes on. These 2 days I fell asleep on my bed-my homeworks aren't finish. Yeah I had a good sleep, but my works are more important.

I'm kinda lost...like why this kinda crap life? Why cant I move on? Is there something I can do?

Then I read "Tuesdays with Morrie". A friend introduced me that book, and it really blew me away. Yes, my whole perspective of life changed a little. But more importantly, my career begins to shift its path again. I am interested in the human life and society and what life is all about...

But then....life is still as it is...

The other day my friend went to SOTA, and I was like why there isn't a school for laws or politicals or even mental health study of those sort? ITS SO UNFAIR .

So far, I feel that I'm improving in terms of my subjects, but NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

Ok, I'm jus crapping here, but I think I really need a break. I want to finish my stuffs, and I do not need more pilling up. TYVM. God save me from this maze....what had I done wrong to get this? What kind of test is this? Did you bring this to me, or had I brought it upon myself? In anycase Lord, let me out of this prison and let me fly again...

Memory jotted at 10:09 PM

How come I don't know how to play anymore? | Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ok, so I turn on FB everyday, then AFK at GE, then pop in my song and take a nap or do my hw or go slack a bit...then its work again...

Don't know why...but I do not see how playing can destress anymore...it feels like...a chore. Maybe I'm playing the wrong kind of play?

Working on DnT is stressful, as this weekly meeting is like a deadline to me, and one week...so many things needs to be prepared. Then I still got school which I'm totally worried about. I lost a lot of things because of my Common Test 1 back in February...and I do not want history to repeat itself. Same thing goes for the DnT project, and I wanna do better.

Then...there's a lot of things at home...my mum, dad and brother too...so many things to bother. I tried not to care, but it'll jus be related to me in the end...

I tried FB as a relaxation, but it feels like a bore. I tried GE to play, but OMG, afk soo much, is that even playing?

Maybe its time to get out? I realise that life is very short sometimes, and I had to make full use of it, but then...after achieving my goal...will I still be able to continue it and sustain it?

So how when I die? Leave a legacy or just perish....

So before I regret it, I need to live it to the fullest. Work is fine for me now, but I need to know how to really, destress...

Hope I found out soon. God may pass me some wisdom.

Memory jotted at 11:11 PM

| Tuesday, April 6, 2010

O.o Did I blog abt my bday?
Anyway I forgot, so happy belated bday me ^^

Ytd was the interview for EXCO for my school. Was very nervous, seriously. The rain was soothing my heart though, so after the rain it was alright. When I went in it was ok. Nothing wrong....

Then results came out today. Fast, but haiz, nvm ba. An all girls EXCO team...which I really had in mind...LOL. Grtz for all ppl who made it ^^

Well gotta rush, doing hw and stuffs. After exams then blog again ba...see 1st.

Memory jotted at 6:56 PM

Hello 15! Kinda late but haha~ | Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yay congratulations Jian Ann you are now 15 years old!

And thanks for all the wishes. Belated or not, Im just glad u guys remembered :D I feel so happy. Another wait for 365 days lol. Wonder how this year will go.

I kinda screwed up a lot of things, even if I am 15. But who cares, I'm still me.

Its almost 1am, but I am still busy. Talk soon ba.

Memory jotted at 12:46 AM

Well one week holiday is over... | Sunday, March 21, 2010

On monday I went for Chinese Oral examination. I screwed it all up...crap. I mean like, omg a lot of words I cannot seem to read.
For the rest of the day I did my homework and slack a lot.

On tuesday I had to go for the Bionics Competition. It was kind of interesting as we see our competitors made very interesting models. Ours was plain and boring, but I mean, who cares? We did our best to stick to it. It was our idea.

On wednesday I went out for erm....@.@ what was it again? Oh yeah it was a teacher parent meeting. I survived, thank God. But I still have to work hard....

Over here, I remembered when I was Sec 2, I was addicted to gaming. Of course I still game but I ask a lot of questions nowdays online to do homework. Not much gaming.

On thursday it was all the Maths SSP. In the end I only went for the Amath. I was so weak, I think my teacher is going to scold me and hit my head if he really can. But he was so patient with me, I thank him for all his time. Did he even had lunch? O.o

On Friday I went out with my Lifegroup. I had not seen them in a while, so it was a good opportunity.

On saturday I went for church and do more homework

Today I went to Ikea to do some measurements.

Well and now I left my Amath homework...and my hair is quite long. Please God let them not catch me for 2 days >.< I can't cut on monday cause I got art. I need to go on tuesday no matter what. So after the meeting I had to go. Like SOON. :O

Well that's about it. Jiayou Jian Ann! CHARGE!

Memory jotted at 9:56 PM

And so we move on... | Monday, March 1, 2010

I seen the poem at least 3 times, and understand the overall meaning. But never had I seen an example of any sort, till I watched H2O: Footprints in the sand.

God is powerful- he never abandons, and never gives up. In times of me needing Him, He carries me to walk all the way to the end of the darkness.

Today, my counsellor msg me, asking how was life. I replied him honestly, and he gave me advice.One might think, hey that's all? To me, it was a blessing from God. He sent my counsellor to check on me, knowing that life wasn't good these days.

And honestly, it isn't.

3 days ago I found out the Pure Science Teacher teaching my class despise Combined Science students.
2 days ago I realised that chances of me failing horribly may be a reality after all. Even a ZERO.
Yesterday I know that I need to wake up from this nightmare.

Today, I decided to think...deeply....

I hope to get an answer soon.

LIFE wasn't meant to be Life Is Free & Easy. Well, at least I have good times.
Im sensing something is brewing up, like in March, something will happen...something big....

Call it institution....

Memory jotted at 1:02 AM


Wong Jian Ann
Coming 15 in 2010

You average upper sec student.


Peace ^^v

Knows what I am doing now.

-6-Sapphire(My Pri School Class)
-Jing Yi
-Jun Xian
-Luo Ting
-Qing Yi
-Samuel Ang
-Sock Hui & Miao Zhen


Not working...but thanks anyway.

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